From Novice to Striker: Sharpen Your Skills Here.

Whether you’re new to the lanes or looking to sharpen your skills, explore our step-by-step “Learn to Bowl” videos and intermediate tutorials tailored for bowlers of all skill levels.

How to choose the right ball for you

When picking a ball at the bowling center, focus on two factors: weight and finger holes. Choose a weight you can comfortably hold straight out in front of you for five seconds—too heavy risks injury, too light may lack power. Next, check the finger holes: they should offer a snug fit without feeling painful, and the spacing should match the length of your palm.

House balls typically use a conventional grip—insert your middle and ring fingers to the second knuckle and your thumb all the way in. If you decide to purchase your own ball later, you might switch to a fingertip grip, which can improve control and hook potential. Your local pro shop can guide you toward the best fit.

Types of Bowling Balls

Beginner bowlers often times find themselves so excited to get on the approach and throw a ball at the pins that they overlook the importance of finding the right ball for them.

More Tips for Proper Bowling Safety

When learning to bowl, it’s important to know the obstacles you’ll face. Our coaches will walk you through what it takes to stay safe as you pick up this new sport.

Basic Bowling Techniques Part #1

Basic Bowling Techniques with Randy Pedersen. In this episode, Randy gives an overview of the basic bowling technique series.

Basic Bowling Techniques Part 2

In this episode, Randy explains the four and five step approach.

Basic Bowling Techniques Part 3

In this episode, Randy explains the correct set-up and how to create a pendulum arm swing.

Basic Bowling Techniques Part 4

In this episode, Randy explains the importance of a proper release and follow- thru.

Release and Finish Drills To Do At Home

Team USA head coach Rod Ross demonstrates a drill that you can do at home with a softball and pitchers net to practice your release and finish position. Learn how to increase your lower body strength, get a better finish position and improve your arm swing.

Warm Up Bowling Drills

USBC Gold Coach Richard Shockley speaks with Carolyn Dorin-Ballard and presents a good warm-up drill for all bowlers. You will be able to feel the correct motion for your release and learn to keep your elbow close to your body.

Choose a Bowling Ball to Fit Your Needs

With some many bowling balls to choose from, it’s nice to have some tips on how to find the right one. Team USA Head Coach Rod Ross and professional bowler Chris Barnes discuss the various options that you can choose from when purchasing your ball.

Strong vs Weak Bowling Balls

USBC Gold coach Bryan O’Keefe and USBC Hall of Famer Carolyn Dorin-Ballard discuss the difference between strong and weak bowling balls and the common misconception of what it means for a ball to be considered strong.

Bowling Ball Fit

Bryan O’Keefe discusses ball fit with professional bowler Mike Fagan. With ball fit, if there is too much pressure on the fingers or joints, it is a sign that an adjustment needs to be made.

Understanding You as a Bowler

As a coach, understanding a player’s P.A.P. helps them to understand what type of player they are dealing with, which in turn allows them to offer more individualized coaching instruction.

When to use a Bowling Wrist Brace and Thumb Tape

Two of the greatest tools of bowling that often go overlooked by bowlers are the bowling wrist brace and bowlers tape.

Versions of the Bowling Release

Watch as Team USA Head Coach Rod Ross and  Kim Terrell-Kearney demonstrate different release styles used today. Choose a release that works best for you.

Using Your Balance Arm in Bowling

Do you know what to do with your balance arm? Odds are, you’ve never given it a serious thought, because most amateur bowlers don’t think about how they’re using their balance arm when they go through the motions of their bowling stroke.

Creating a Consistent Bowling Swing

Team USA Head Coach Rod Ross and Assistant Head Coach Kim Terrell-Kearney teach you how to create a more consistent approach to the line. By using two strips of tape to lay out a guideline to your approach, this drill will help you draw the ball back in a straight line rather than pulling it around your leg, which will aid in consistency.

Targeting Tip

Team USA assistant coach Bryan O’Keefe shares some tips for targeting.

Quick Tips to Improve Bowling Targeting

As with most sports, concentration in bowling is of the utmost importance. If you just can’t seem to hone in on the target and you find that your attention is all over the place, you’re going to be in for some frustrating times on the lanes.

Using the 3-6-9 Spare System Moving Right

USBC Director of Coaching Carolyn Dorin-Ballard teaches you how to use the 3-6-9 spare system to move right along the boards to adjust in order to pick up a spare. Here she shows you how to adjust to pick up the 2, 4 and 7 pins.

Using the 3-6-9 Spare System Moving Left

USBC Director of Coaching Carolyn Dorin-Ballard teaches you how to use the 3-6-9 spare system to move left along the boards to adjust in order to pick up a spare. Here she shows you how to adjust to pick up the 3 and 6 pins.

Making Proper On-Lane Adjustments

Oil pattern no longer favoring your preferred bowling ball path? Time for an on-lane bowling adjustment.

Understanding Lane Oil Changes When Bowling

Bowling equipment has changed the game drastically in recent decades, and while some effects are obvious, others are much more understated.

How to Read an Oil Pattern Sheet

Pattern Specialist/Lane Technician John Janawicz describes how to read an oil pattern sheet and how it can impact your game. Oil pattern distance and oil pattern volume are a couple of things that players should be focusing on.